Thursday, December 29, 2011

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Water To Lose Weight

It is possible to lose weight by making small and simple changes to your diet. Eating healthier foods is a great way to add to your program.
Check out this FREE eBook on How To Lose Belly Fat Quickly

First, drink more water. Add at least one more glass a day to what you already drink. And, at the same time, make it fun. Try these:

1. Seltzer

Add a lemon or lime for a nice "punch."

Bored with lemon and lime slices? Then try something more adventurous like a wedge of orange, a slice of pineapple, or a few cut up strawberries. All will add a little flavor.

2. Herbal Tea

Put an herbal teabag into a bottle of water and let it sit in your fridge for a while. It flavors the water.Strong flavored teas work best. Stay away from the ones that contain caffeine.

If it is cold outside drink hot herbal tea. You'll enjoy the refreshing pause in your day.

3. Flavored Syrups

Raspberry, peach, cherry or your favorites add splash to a glass of water. Just a splash will work so it does not add calories. Sugar free syrups don't add calories but are full of chemicals, so be careful in your choices.

4. Soup

Broth and bouillon are great choices. If you like the creamy soups be wary of the extra fat in them and use these only occassionally.

As daunting as it seems to drink those 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, all evidence has shown that drinking enough water helps weight loss, improves skin, and is just plain good for you.
Studies have shown that people sometimes eat when they are in fact dehydrated. So drink up and enjoy trying some of these methods.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

5 Tips To Retire Early


1. Have No debt. 0 Debt to anyone or anything. zip, zilch, zero, nada. If you owe anything to anyone, you are not in a strong position. Buy a used car and keep it for as long as possible, 10 years or more. My 1994 Ford F150 is still running just fine and gets me to where I need to go. For the roof over your head, rent instead of buying a house (or buy a very inexpensive house). Buy stuff from Craigslist instead of using store financing.... I bought a farm that will be paid off in less than 5 years then I will have no mortgage or car payments, plus I don't use revolving credit. That cuts my living costs by $3,000 per month!

2. Work for Yourself. Not everyone can do this, but TRY! Start your own business doing ANYTHING you enjoy. I do in-home dog training and work only 2-3 days per week and make more than I did as a Corporate Drone. I don't need to "retire". My life is more fun than retirement.

3. Move to where you will be happy. Everyone dreams of "retiring to..." somewhere. Why not move there now? I train dogs in Dallas but live on a farm 2.5 hours away. I drive into the city and spend the night at a room I rent then leave and come back to my farm during the week. If you try you can find a way to live where you want and have income too. Web business allow you live anywhere.

4. Lose the standard U.S. "retirement" mentality. Standard "retirement" has you working like a drone all your life with the hope of taking a break right before you die - when you have no strength or health left and all your money goes to healthcare. Almost 1/3rd of people DIE before they retire. Learn to live and love your current life... Change what you're doing now so it feels like retirement.

5. Drop out of the "Consumer Culture". All the crap you buy is unnecessary. All the electronic services you subscribe to are just draining your life. Kill the Cable, drop the $100 cell phone bill, stop buying movies and video games, etc. People spend $300 a year on Christmas DECORATIONS then $1000+ on crap no one needs that they put under the tree.
Then comes the $300 New Year's Eve Party, then $250 for the SuperBowl, etc. Get off the spending treadmill and you'll be amazed how much economic freedom is yours and how well you sleep at night, being worry free.

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